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Humic and Fulvic acids are the final break-down constituents of the natural decay of plant and animal materials. These organic acids are found in ancient deposits. Humic matter is formed through the chemical and biological humification of plant and animal matter and through the biological activities of micro-organisms. Humic acids are complex molecules that exist naturally in soils, peats, oceans and fresh waters. Humates form in marshes or peat bogs. Plants are harvesting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and using the sun’s energy to build plant biomass.  These plants feed insects and vertebrates. As plants and animals die they contribute their carbon back to the bottom of the bog. Over millions of years this cycle of organic matter is concentrated and compressed into layers in the earth. Collectively humic and fulvic acid combine with organic materials to form Humates.


What Is Humate Used For In Agriculture?

Humate is not a fertilizer. It acts as a conditioner for the soil and as a bio-catalyst and bio-stimulant for the plant. Humic and fulvic acids are an excellent natural and organic way to provide plants and soil with a concentrated dose of essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Compared to other organic products, Humate enhances plant growth (biomass production) and fertility of the soil. Another advantage of Humate is its long-term effectiveness, as it does not get consumed as quickly as animal manure, compost or peat.

Humate decomposes completely, therefore it does not enter into nutritional competition with plants for nutrients like nitrogen. This is not the case with partially decomposed compost, whereby the organic substances in soil are rapidly consumed by micro-organisms and mineralized entirely without humus formation.


How do Humates help my bottomline?

Humates chelate nutrient compounds, especially iron, in the soil to a form suitable for plant utilization. Thus, the nutrient supply of plants is optimized. Increases up to 70% in yield, accompanied by a reduction up to 30% in the use of fertilizers and pesticides, as well as better and healthier growth of green grass, ornamentals, agricultural crops and woods can be attained with the regular application of quality humates.

Water holding capacity of soils is increased considerable, which means that the use of water can be reduced substantially. Best economic results can be obtained in light and sandy soils poor in humus, as well as on re-cultivated fields. The diverse positive impacts of Humates are to be observed particularly in such soils. This is true for almost all soils in dry and warm regions. As a result of the high mineralization rate of organic substances, providing these soils with stable Humate is indispensable for the maintenance and improvement of soil fertility.

Current scientific studies show that the fertility of soil is determined to a very large extent by the content of Humates. Their high cation-exchange capacity (CEC), the oxygen content as well as the above average water holding capacity are the reasons for the high value of using Humates for improving soil fertility and plant growth. The most important feature of Humates lies in their ability to bind insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydroxides, and to release them slowly and continually to plants when required. Due to these properties, Humates are known to produce three types of effects: physical, chemical and biological.


Humates physically modifies the structure of the soil, with the following benefits:

• Improved structure of soil: Prevents high water and nutrient losses in light, sandy soils, simultaneously converting them into fruitful soils by way of decomposition. In heavy and compact soils, aeration of soil and water retention is improved; cultivation measures are facilitated.

• Prevents soil cracking, surface water runoff and soil erosion by increasing the ability of colloids to combine.

• Helps the soil loosen and crumble, and thus increases aeration of soil as well as soil workability.

• Increases water holding capacity of soil reducing water usage.

Humates physically modifies the structure of the soil, with the following benefits:

• Improved structure of soil: Prevents high water and nutrient losses in light, sandy soils, simultaneously converting them into fruitful soils by way of decomposition. In heavy and compact soils, aeration of soil and water retention is improved; cultivation measures are facilitated.

• Prevents soil cracking, surface water runoff and soil erosion by increasing the ability of colloids to combine.

• Helps the soil loosen and crumble, and thus increases aeration of soil as well as soil workability.

• Increases water holding capacity of soil reducing water usage.


Humates chemically changes the fixation properties of the soil. Benefits:

• Neutralizes both acid and alkaline soils; regulates the pH-value of soils.

• Improves and optimizes the uptake of nutrients and water by plants.

• Increases buffering properties of soil.

• Acts as natural chelator for metal ions and promote their uptake by the roots.

• Becomes rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth.

• Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduces leaching.

• Possesses extremely high cation-exchange capacities.

• Promotes the conversion of nutrient elements (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other trace elements) into forms available to plants.

• Enhances the uptake of nitrogen by plants.

Humates chemically changes the fixation properties of the soil. Benefits:

• Neutralizes both acid and alkaline soils; regulates the pH-value of soils.

• Improves and optimizes the uptake of nutrients and water by plants.

• Increases buffering properties of soil.

• Acts as natural chelator for metal ions and promote their uptake by the roots.

• Becomes rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth.

• Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduces leaching.

• Possesses extremely high cation-exchange capacities.

• Promotes the conversion of nutrient elements (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other trace elements) into forms available to plants.

• Enhances the uptake of nitrogen by plants.

• Reduces the reaction of phosphorus with Ca, Fe, Mg and Al and liberates it into a form that is available and beneficial to plants. The productivity of particular mineral fertilizers is increased considerably.

• Liberates carbon dioxide from soil calcium carbonate and enables its use in photosynthesis.

• Helps to eliminate chlorosis due to iron deficiency in plants.

• Reduces the availability of toxic substances in soils.


Humates biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of micro-organisms.

• Stimulates plant enzymes and increase their production.

• Acts as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.

• Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable micro-organisms in soil

• Enhances plant’s natural resistance against diseases and pests.

• Stimulates root growth, especially vertically and enable better uptake of nutrients.

• Increases root respiration and root formation.

• Promotes the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and aid in photosynthesis.

• Increases vitamin and mineral content of plants.

• Thickens the cell walls in fruits and prolongs storage time.

• Increases germination and viability of seeds.

• Stimulates plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell division, increasing the rate of development in root systems and increasing the yield of dry matter.

• Increases the quality of yields; improves their physical appearance and nutritional value.


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